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Willow Creek Softball

Willow Creek Softball

What level of play is appropriate for my child?

Tee ball
Tee Ball is an introductory, non-competitive level of softball for girls league age 4-to-6. This is the beginning of a long road of learning softball, and emphasis is placed on the foundations of the game: catching, throwing, hitting, and some basic rules. Safety balls are hit off a tee, although later in the year a coach may pitch with a tee as backup. Teams are formed with a minimum number of players,. Teams will play and/or practice two times per week. No outs are tracked, and every player bats each inning. 
There is no such thing as too many parent assistant coaches in tee ball - sign up to help!

Primarily 6- and 7-year-olds, with a few 8's. We encourage players to begin in Tee Ball, but athletic 6-year-olds with a high level of interest can play. Any player with average or better skill development and one year of Tee Ball should be ready. Teams are formed based on school area, or by request. Single A is entirely coach-pitch, and as in Tee Ball, a Safety-Soft ball is used. Teams have 1-to-2 one-hour practices, and 1-to-2 games per week, totaling 10-to-15 league games per season. Like Tee Ball, no score is kept. Coaches try to concentrate on the fundamentals of catching, throwing, fielding and hitting, and begin to focus on making outs. 


Primarily 7- and 8-year-olds, with some 9's mixed in. Placed on school area teams, or by request. Double A is modified "kid-pitch." Batters start with a 1-ball, 0-strike count. If a batter receives four balls before the at-bat is over, a coach will step in to pitch for the remainder of the at-bat. There are usually 2-to-3 practices, and 1-to-2 games, per week, totaling 12-to-18 games for the season. The focus remains on player skill development and enjoyment. Outs are kept and runs are tracked for the purpose of monitoring the 4-run-per-inning rule, but winning and losing is not stressed.

At this level the work begins to develop basic pitcher and catcher skills. Double A is traditionally a level at which there is a range of age levels and some skill differences among teams as we continue to allow teams to stay together as much as possible, which results in a mix of teams with returning players and some that are mostly comprised of kids coming up from Single A. We encourage the coaches to take this into account as they manage game situations. We also encourage "returning" Double A players with strong skills to try-out for Triple A.

Mostly 9-, 10-, and 11-year-olds, along with the occasional advanced 8-year-old. Players pitch the entire game in AAA (with a standard count of 3 strikes, 4 balls, and walks), and have official umpires. Stealing and sliding are allowed at this level. The emphasis is still on learning and fun, but this is a more competitive level, and score is kept.  Coaches are focusing on development of pitchers and catchers, and players may start to specialize at positions.
Players attend a required evaluation in February or early March for AAA. Fundamental fielding, catching, throwing, and hitting are the key skills being evaluated. Players are placed onto teams using a draft, with the primary goal being balanced teams. Teams usually practice 2-to-3 times per week, and play two games per week.


Mostly 11-to-12 year-olds, with a few 10's. At this level, players again attend a required tryout to determine their skill level and for purposes of the draft. The managers and board members involved in tryouts evaluate fielding, catching, throwing, and hitting. All 12-year-olds play Majors unless parents feel there is a safety concern, or other compelling reason, to stay at Triple A (for this a waiver must be granted).

Like Triple A, players are placed onto teams using a player draft in an effort to achieve a fair balance of talent among all Majors teams. All returning players are re-drafted each year. Teams practice 2-to-3 times per week, and play 2-to-3 games per week. This is the most competitive level of traditional Little League play. All players will be given at least 3 or 4 defensive innings per game and will bat the roster. A 6-run limit per inning with the final inning open will be enforced. Players tend to play the majority of their time at the positions they are best suited for and there is less shuffling around. Pitchers and catchers are decided upon based on experience. Rules of play are similar to AAA, but the uncaught 3rd strike (dropped 3rd strike) rule comes into effect.

Juniors is open to all 13- and 14-year-olds who live within the WCLL boundaries. Juniors is played on a conventional 60-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 43 feet. Teams practice 2-to-3 times per week, and can play 2-to-3 games per week.  The goal for Juniors is to get the player ready for High School Softball.



Willow Creek Softball
3300 NW 185th Ave #350 
Portland, Oregon 97229

Email: [email protected]

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