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Willow Creek Softball

Willow Creek Softball

Safety is everyone's responsibility! Education and prevention is the key to reducing accidents.

Little League Child Protection Program
All local Little Leagues are required to conduct background checks on Managers, Coaches, Umpires, Board of Directors and any other person who provide regular service to the league and/or have repetitive access to, or contact with, players or teams. WCLL requires that at least two people at the field has met this requirement.

Coaches' Safety/First Aid Training
WCLL has developed a safety/first aid-training program specifically to address youth softball. WCLL requires all coaches to have a valid first aid certificate. Most certification agencies certify for 2 years.

Concussion training
Oregon law requires all coaches, managers, asst. coaches and umpires to receive annual training to learn how to recognize the symptoms of a concussion and how to seek proper medical treatment for a person suspected of having a concussion. This training is required of all WCLL managers, coaches and asst. coaches.

The free online training can be completed by visiting the website: NFHSLEARN.COM

Once completed please email your certificate to: [email protected]

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training
Although not required, it is highly recommended that volunteers be trained in CPR. Here is a list of agencies that can provide training:

  • Lifeline Health & Safety
  • American Red Cross

Player Medical Release Forms
Player medical release forms are required for every player and are to be kept in possession of the Manager during the season in case of Medical Emergency. Managers you will receive access to these forms under your coaches tools once you've been assigned to a team.

Reporting accidents
In the event of an accident, Willow Creek Little League requires that an accident report form to be completed and submitted to the Safety Officer. Each individual form is reviewed, as they help us learn from the accident and find ways to prevent future occurrences.

If your child requires medical attention, a doctor's release will be required before they can return to active participation in league activities.

Little League Insurance
If you child sustains a covered injury while participating in Little League activities, here is a brief summary on how the insurance works:

File the claim initially under insurance carried by the family. Should your family's insurance plan not fully cover the injury treatment, the Little League Insurance Policy will help you pay the difference up to the maximum stated benefits. This includes any deductibles of exclusions in you own insurance.

If your child is not covered by any family insurance, the Little League Insurance Policy becomes the primary and will provide benefits for all covered injury treatment costs up to the maximum benefits of the policy. Treatment of dental injuries can extend beyond the normal 52-week period if dental work must be delayed until the child is older. Benefits will be paid at the time treatment is given, even though it may be years later.

We hope this brief summary is helpful in better understanding of the operation of the Little League Insurance Program. If you have any other questions about Little League Accident Insurance, please e-mail [email protected].

No Smoking Policy
Please take a moment and become familiar with the Beaverton School District's "NO SMOKING" policy.

The Beaverton School Board of Directors prohibits smoking, including the use of any tobacco products, on ALL District property including buildings, vehicles and outdoor areas. This policy applies at all time to persons occupying District facilities, including those persons attending non-school related public or private functions.

Willow Creek Little League predominately uses Beaverton School District property. We must abide by their policies. Please help us by not using tobacco products while attending your child's game or practice.


Willow Creek Softball
3300 NW 185th Ave #350 
Portland, Oregon 97229

Email: [email protected]

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